Shamans are considered wisdom keepers and healers of the soul.
Shamanic practices and rituals were the main sources of spiritual healing around the world for tens of thousands of years in all ancient cultures.​
Shamanic Journey is the main tool used by all Shamans to interact
with the transcendent guiding spirits for wisdom. Sometimes, for added divination, they read patterns in randomly throw nature items such as stones/crystals, feathers and sticks for answers to life challenging questions. Today we can use special Oracle Cards for additional guidance.
All of these are still available for use in your everyday life and support any other medical, psychological or healing modalities.
Soul Retrieval
During our life, we all experience physical, emotional and spiritual trauma. Sometimes it's severe or sometimes it's the "last straw" in a chain of minor events. Feeling endangered, a part of our "soul essence" disconnects to protect itself. Many times it can take with it a gift we were born with such as love of life, joy in the moment, courage, etc. Shamans see this as "soul loss" which can cause psychological and physical issues. Through a special Journey,
they retrieve this lost soul essence with it's gift and re-integrate
it back into the person's life. Sometimes 2 weeks later it is followed by an additional healing session for final soul healing and closure.
Soul Remembering
We arrive in this reality as a wonderful being with qualities and gifts to share for the betterment of ourselves and others. With our first breath, we begin interacting with life and begin making decisions about what we should or shouldn't do.
We can begin to forget who we really are and what we really want.
In this ritual, the Shaman journeys back to the moment before the client is born and experience the radiance of this emerging spirit before it enters the earth reality. A perception is brought back and given to the client to integrate and remind them of their true self.
This can be final closure for the previous "soul loss".
These are various rituals that are performed to do "spring cleaning" on a client's energetic body. This involves the release of any unwanted energy that is unusable by the client because it is not theirs. We can attract this energy if our own radiance is low due to conflict, exhaustion, illness, injury or stress.
In this healing session, the unusable energy is removed and sent to healing guiding spirits who will send it back to where it belongs when it's time.
From the moment humans believed in a reality beyond this one, there has been a fascination in wandering spirits. Shamans have also been there to help these wanderers find their path to the "light". Sometimes they are confused or emotionally tied to their loved ones. They can be found attached to people or places where they can remember their earthly lives and become spiritual intrusions.
For thousands of years, Shamanic rituals have helped these confused spirits take their next steps so they can move forward in their spiritual growth. The client in this reality can also move forward and feel unburdened.
(Includes Shamanic Oracle Healing/Card Reading)
Seidr (or Seithe) is an ancient form of shamanism and mysticism that was practiced by people in Norse, British, Saami and Northern European traditions. The true mystical core of Seidr is inseparable from nature. It was a practice that incorporated singing, staff-work and ecstatic trance. It was used by solo practitioners for journeying, as well as practiced in community events called High Seat Ceremonies, for a wide variety of purposes. Seidr offers practitioners skillful and immediate ways of accessing and dealing with mystical and practical power which has its origins in the wildness of nature. Seidr offers practitioners an immediate way to connect and
work with this power, known in the Norse tradition as “Ergi”.
Divination, oracular question and answers on behalf of communities, weather-working, shape-shifting and healing are but a few of the reasons that Seidr was practiced. It is one of the oldest forms of Shamanism. It is growing in popularity due to its ancient core in nature and interest in northern European ancestry.